A place to share ideas about free paper toys, printouts, paper model creation, assembling and hints and tips. Related topics: 3d model creation, related software and more!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Tail of the Missing Mummy
I tried and I failed. I thought I could make it in time, but my results to date are not worth publishing. As my son pointed out, it would be faster and easier to wrap your own head in bandages (not to mention better looking) than to print and assemble my Mummy Mask. As for the Were Wolf Mask... If I had been going for a FrankenWolf I might have been closer to the mark. I guess I am just not skilled enough with Sketchup to make publishable paper models just yet. So for now please enjoy the pumpkin hat instead.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
What? Freepapertoys.com is a Blog now?!!
Hello to all paper model lovers that have enjoyed our free paper toys we created and our free paper toys directory. Don't panic those pages still do exist, we are just adding a blog. We figured that it is time for a change. The internet is changing and we basically have remained pretty much the same since we first started back in the late 90's. My hopes are this blog will create a better user experience. We want to encourage you as paper model hobbiests and paper model creators to add your ideas, questions, comments, suggestions, experiences, stories about paper model building and creating. It may take time to for us to get used to this new blog experience so be patient with us and feel free to make suggestions about ways to better it.